Saturday, August 12th, 2023 | Burlington, VT
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Are you or someone you know feeling the call to ministry either in a local church, your current vocation or internationally? Please join us for this fun and informative gathering that will help answer questions and direct you as you discern your next steps in response to God’s call. This interactive Gathering is for anyone; high schoolers in grades 11 & 12, college students, second-career people, retirees, and everyone in between. Alums of the previous Called Ones Gathering are encouraged to attend. You and others with similar callings will spend time with Alliance New England representatives who can help you unfold your calling and see where God is leading.
Cost: $30 per person if registered by June 30th,
($40 after June 30th, price includes lunch.)
*Scholarship funds may be available for those in need.
Please contact Andy Geffers at for more information.