If you are sensing Gods call to vocational ministry through the Christian and Missionary Alliance, particularly in New England, we invite you to connect with us. We will schedule an informal conversation with you and your spouse to determine where you feel God is leading you and how He has been working in your life. During this conversation we will be able to assess and provide direction for your next steps.
Some of the questions that will be asked in this conversation are:
Have you shared this sense of calling with your pastor/mentor?
How have you seen God working in your life? How are you investing in your church?
Why do you feel called to ministry in New England?
Have you completed your Biblical/Theological training? (All persons who seek to be licensed as official workers must have a minimum of 30 semester credit hours of study in Bible, theology, and ministry with a minimum of 18 of these credits being in Bible & theology from an Alliance school or educational institution which affirms the authority of Scripture as the only of Christian faith and practice.)
Have you reviewed and are you in agreement with The Alliance Perspectives?
After this conversation you will be provided direction for the next steps. It may be their suggestion to complete the educational requirement, work under the guidance of a mentor, or spend some more time prayer to seek direction. However, you may be recommended to begin a process we call Accreditation.
To be ACCREDITED means you have been approved for Alliance ministry by showing evidence of your calling, leadership, godly character and lifestyle, and alignment with Alliance values and vision. This includes the completion of your educational requirements, application, and a successful interview. Being accredited will allow you to let your name stand for placement in any Alliance church nationwide and is a required step for any individual who is looking for pastoral placement within the C&MA.
To start the accreditation process you will need to complete the full online application for ministry with The Alliance. This begins by going to www.Called2Serve.org, and setting up an account and filling out the initial inquiry form. Please make sure you mark you are working with New England so that your application will be directed to our office. This application only needs to be completed once and will not be fully accessible to individuals until they have had the initial conversation with our staff and approved to complete the whole process.
The application includes several pieces such as the doctrinal & biographical questions, transcripts, references and a Bible Assessment Test. At its completion we will work with you to schedule an Accreditation Interview with our Licensing, Ordination & Consecration Committee (LOCC). If the interview is successful, you will be eligible to let your name stand for placement in any Alliance work nationally.
When placement in an Alliance ministry is secured, you will be eligible for licensing.

Any individual who has met the requirements for licensing, including having placement in an Alliance ministry, is eligible for licensing as of their start date in that ministry. Licenses are issued from the district in which the ministry is located and are renewed annual. Any version of licensing you receive qualifies you as official clergy under IRS regulations.
There are several types of licenses, all of which are determined at the time of placement. Some of these include:
Ordained Official Worker
Consecrated Official Worker
Provisional Official Worker (limited two-year license for the completion of ordination/consecration)
Church Ministry Worker
Retiree Official Worker
Criteria for maintaining licensing can be found in The Alliance Manual.
Any individual who is accredited and placed in an Alliance New England ministry is eligible for licensing. However, for those who are not yet ordained/consecrated, a two-year provisional license will be issued until that piece is secured.
During this two-year developmental period, you will need to complete a series of requirements designed to lay the foundation for healthy long-term ministry and meet the qualifications for ordination/consecration with The Alliance.
After a review of your transcripts, accreditation evaluation, and new job description, a personalized plan of completion will be outlined so that as you begin you can step right into the process. If this plan is followed precisely, when you reach the two-year mark, you will be eligible to sit for oral exams and then have service where you take your vows to confer your ordination/consecration.
Requirements include;
Papers and Readings
Practical Ministry Training
Working With a Mentor
Sermon Evaluations
Alliance Trainings
Oral Exam

Sue has been with ANE for over 20 years and oversees all the functions of the office. If you have questions about licensing, ordination or consecration, please contact Sue and she’ll be happy to help.