Missions Pathways have been designed so that
individuals and churches can better engage in missions.
Feeling CALLED to missions?
If you feel God is calling you to missions, Alliance New England has a process that will help you confirm that call and discern the details of it.
To get started on the Called Ones pathway, or for more information, contact Andy Geffers at the District Office.
Seeking better missions ENGAGEMENT in your church?
Alliance churches are called to reach the lost in every part of the world. If you would like to see your church better engaged with missions, Alliance New England has a path for you. Andy can guide you in this process and help you get started on this pathway.
To get started on the Missions Engagement pathway, or for more information, contact Andy Geffers at the District Office.
Are you interested in building a DEEPER RELATIONSHIP with a specific missionary or field?
Missions Engagement works best when your church knows more about what they're supporting. Missionaries thrive when they have trusted relationships at home, knowing they're being prayed for and will be cared for. If you'd like to become more connected with a field, Andy can help you determine the best fit for your church.
To get started on the Missions Partnerships pathway, or for more information, contact Andy Geffers at the District Office.

Andy Geffers is our Missions Mobilizer and has been with Alliance New England for almost 10 years. If you’d like to begin a discussion about how you or your church can better engage with Alliance Missions, contact Andy and he’ll get you started!