The purpose of the SDI 2.0 is to improve the quality of working relationships. People have relationships within themselves, with each other, and with their work. Relationships are psychological connections over time; they have history, the present moment, and expectations for the future. Improving relationships requires beginning with self-awareness. Increased self-awareness results from greater conscious understanding of the true self, and the reduction or removal of defenses against self-understanding. Greater self-awareness enables more clear and accurate understanding of others. If your leadership team could benefit from greater self awareness and a better understanding of how they’re made up contact Shelley at the District Office.

EquippingU is a collection of leadership tools designed specifically to equip Alliance pastors and leaders as they live spiritually healthy lives and successfully lead healthy C&MA churches.

EquippingU will help you to develop strong, vibrant churches that effectively reach diverse peoples in your community for Jesus. You will receive spiritual fuel to avoid burnout and proven safeguards to enable you to stand strong and lead well in the face of temptation.

Visit the EquippingU website for more information and to see what opportunities they provide.

The Alliance Center for Leadership Development is a hub for leadership development and ministry preparation for those interested in serving with The Christian & Missionary Alliance and for those who already serve with the C&MA but need additional training, development or certification.

LEAD is a two and a half year spiritual formation journey that meets education requirements to lead effective ministry. God called you to lead. We’ll help you answer. We equip men & women to be ministry leaders.

The heart & soul of the LEAD program is a unique blend of online learning, retreats, practicums, relationships, readings, coaching, Scripture, & practicality. Essentially, we are creating environments for the Holy Spirit to shape and equip you to be a ministry leader.

The entire journey is guided by a certified Cohort Director and processed in a cohort of peers. Your equipping will take your ministry leadership to the next level.


Shelley has been with Alliance New England for 13+ years and is able to help you with leadership development in your ministry. Contact Shelley at the District Office for more information on any of the above options.