Alliance Kids exists to champion child-discipleship ministries for resilient, life-changing impact through the gospel of Jesus! Alliance Kids New Discovery Land Curriculum incorporates Alliance Missions into every lesson. Check them out HERE
Answers Bible Curriculum brings the Bible to life! This exciting curriculum contains Sunday school lessons that cover the entire Bible chronologically in four years, providing a powerful overview of God’s Word. Visit them HERE
D6 EveryDay
D6 EveryDay Curriculum cultivates generational disciple makers to live out what they learn. D6 connects the church to home and families to one another. D6 EveryDay Curriculum is one of the most effective small group and Sunday School curricula you can find. D6 is based on the principles of Deuteronomy 6:5-9—love God, love His Word, and teach your children to do the same. Visit them HERE
Grow is a comprehensive strategy for churches. They offer curriculum for every age, pre-school through adult. Grow Curriculum is 100% digital and every file is downloadable, editable, and printable. They also offer a FREE, brand new VBS every year. Visit them HERE

Safe Place is designed to assist leaders of local church and ministry organizations in creating policies and procedures for safe people to minister in safe places through safe programs. This manual does not give legal counsel or advice; however, it is imperative that local church leaders do everything possible to provide a safe and secure ministry environment for both students and volunteers. Includes sample forms and reproducible worksheets and leader s guides.
The Children’s Ministry Leadership Certificate (CMLC) is a 6-credit program designed to equip women and men to confidently lead a children’s ministry program in the local church. This program uniquely focuses on how ministry directed toward children in the local church can be theologically formed, safe, and practically carried out. This is a great course for children’s pastors, children’s ministry directors, or those who have a passion to work with kids at the local church level.