PASTORS | Christmas is Coming!

Equip your people - to reach their people.



→ Download this video & play it on a Sunday

Show this video during your service as an encouragement to the church that they CAN share Jesus with the people they know and love, and we have the tools to help them! Challenge them to follow the steps below to initiate conversation and invite someone to a Christmas Service.

Click here to share or download the video.

Follow the video with this Screen Graphic for easy access to resources.



Explain to your church that they are able to download any of these graphics and share them through text or post them on your social media accounts as a conversation starter, to capture attention and encourage thoughtful engagement.



Show your church how to send these videos via text, post them to your social media accounts, or watch them with your friends and family wherever you gather. IMPORTANT NOTE: These do not become public until Dec 6th, please don’t share on socials until that date.

The 60 Second Version:

Send this to friends & family via text, or post on social media:

The Full Version:

Play this wherever you’re gathered with friends and family.



→Evangelism Resource

Print this document and use it as a conversation starter wherever you meet people!


→Small Group Resource

Print this document and use it as a guide with your small group or whenever and wherever you gather.


Alliance New England has partnered with GLIMPSE to provide materials that will help you equip each person in your church to do exactly what Jesus asked them to:

What's Next?...

Mathew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Evangelism isn’t just for ‘the professionals’.

Each month GLIMPSE will release a new video with supporting materials, giving all of us an easy way to begin a conversation with someone, somewhere, that needs the hope Jesus offers.

Find Door Knock Videos and more GLIMPSE Videos on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube.